
I live in a rural area where the only means of getting online is 4,5/0,4 Mbit DSL. As you can imagine this becomes a big problem when multiple people are trying to use the line at the same time (read: bufferbloat). Recently we got an extra line from another ISP in hope that we could improve the situation somewhat by combining them.

There are some resources available on this subject already, but they either doesn't work, or doesn't cover the whole process of setting it up. With this article I'm trying to change that. So if there's anything I've missed or forgotten to add, please create an issue at the blog's repository.


  • You're using an EdgeRouter as the client
  • You're running a Debian-based server on the endpoint
  • You don't need OpenVPN's security functions

Setting up the server

First of all we've got to set up the server that'll act as our gateway to the internet. To accomplish this, we're going to set up two OpenVPN servers simulating two point-to-point ethernet connections.

Bonding interface

Open the /etc/modules file with your editor of choice and add the bonding module to it. This'll make the bonding module load on system boot.

# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.

Now we need to create the file /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf. Here we'll set the options for the module. Full documentation on the bonding module is available here.

# mode=0 means round-robin
# miimon=100 sets the time between link checks to 100ms
options bonding mode=0 miimon=100

Now we'll have the bond0 interface available after booting the server, but it doesn't have an IP address yet. So we need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and add the following. Change to whatever address you'd like, as with the netmask.

You should also change the MTU to what fits for your network. Find the MTU for your uplink(s) using this guide, and subtract 46 from the result when using IPv4, 66 when using IPv6, this accounts for the overhead of using OpenVPN. If the MTU for your uplinks differ, use the lowest value.

I'm also adding a post-up command, that'll add a route for (assuming this is your LAN subnet) on the bond0 interface. This way we don't need to set up NAT on the EdgeRouter, and thus avoid double-NAT'ing.

auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
  mtu 1434
  post-up ip route add via


Since multiple clients are going to connect to the internet from the same public IP address, we need to set up NAT. First make sure the iptables-persistent package is installed, then add a NAT rule that modifies the source address on all packets going out the WAN interface to your public IP.

You should also configure the firewall to secure the server and your network, but that's outside the scope of this article.

apt install iptables-persistent
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <WAN_INTERFACE> -j SNAT --to-source <PUBLIC_IP>
iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4


First we need to create the TAP devices. Open the /etc/network/interfaces file again and add the contents below. For the sake of clarification, we're setting the interface down right after it's creation because you can't add an active interface as a bond slave. Adding the device as a slave brings it up again, which we don't want to happen until the OpenVPN connection is established, so we're bringing it down again.

auto tap0
iface tap0 inet manual
  pre-up openvpn --dev-type tap --dev tap0 --mktun
  post-up ip link set tap0 down
  post-up echo "+tap0" > /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/slaves
  post-up ip link set tap0 down

auto tap1
iface tap1 inet manual
  pre-up openvpn --dev-type tap --dev tap1 --mktun
  post-up ip link set tap1 down
  post-up echo "+tap1" > /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/slaves
  post-up ip link set tap1 down

This is the server OpenVPN config we're using. We need one OpenVPN instance per internet connection, so create one file in /etc/openvpn per instance. For example /etc/openvpn/isp_1.conf and /etc/openvpn/isp_2.conf. You need to change the local option to the IP address you'd like OpenVPN to bind to, and the dev option to one of the TAP devices you created earlier.

# Encryption adds extra overhead, so I'm disabling it.
# If you need the extra security, set the auth method and cipher you like,
# and remove the no-iv option.
auth none
cipher none
# Use a TAP device for layer 2 operation
# Bonding by its nature doesn't work on TUN devices (layer 3)
# Change this to one of your TAP devices
dev tap0
# Use peer-to-peer mode
mode p2p
# Change to the port you'd like
port 5116
# Set the IP address to listen on here
# Use UDP for best performance
# If you can avoid it, you should never use TCP with OpenVPN
# If you're planning to listen on IPv6, change this to udp6.
proto udp
# Enable more verbose logging
verb 3

# Don't close the TAP device on restart
# Instead we're keeping it open and setting it to down by script.
# Send a OpenVPN ping to the other side every second
ping 1

# If we don't receive a ping within 10 seconds, restart the instance
ping-restart 10
# Wait until connection is up before opening the TAP device
# and running the "up" script

# Make sure up/down scripts runs if ping-restart are triggered

# Run down script before TAP close
# This should make sure no packets are lost on a dead connection
# Allow running external scripts
script-security 2
# Set down/up scripts
down /etc/openvpn/tap-down
up /etc/openvpn/tap-up

Now we need to create the down/up scripts for OpenVPN. These scripts simply set the TAP interface down or up, depending on whether the OpenVPN connection is up or not. This allows the bond interface to determine which interface is available for sending on.

Add this to /etc/openvpn/tap-down

ip link set $dev down

Add this to /etc/openvpn/tap-up

ip link set $dev up

Make sure the scripts are executable:

chmod +x /etc/openvpn/tap-down
chmod +x /etc/openvpn/tap-up

And last enable the OpenVPN service, so our servers are started on system boot:

systemctl enable openvpn.service

Restart the server to make our changes active.

Setting up the client

As mentioned earlier, I'm using an EdgeRouter (EdgeRouter Lite to be specific) for this setup, so all configuration examples will only work on the EdgeRouter series of devices (and maybe Vyatta/VyOS).

Bonding interface

First we need to create the bond interface, make sure that the subnet matches what you set on the server.

set interfaces bonding bond0 address
set interfaces bonding bond0 description WAN_BOND
set interfaces bonding bond0 mode round-robin


Now we need to set up the OpenVPN clients. Just to be clear, normally you would configure the client only by using set interfaces openvpn commands. However I've not figured out how to disable the security features using that, so we're doing this with .ovpn files instead.

It doesn't really matter where you save them, as long as it's beneath the /config folder. Like on the server, we need one file per connection.

# Disable encryption
auth none
cipher none

# Use a TAP device for layer 2
dev-type tap
dev vtun10

# Use peer-to-peer mode
mode p2p

# Set this to the IP address of your WAN interface

# Set remote
remote 5116 udp

# Enable more logging
verb 3

# Preserve TAP device

# Make sure connection is up
ping 1
ping-restart 5

# Wait until connection is up before opening the TAP device
# and running the "up" script

# Make sure up/down scripts runs if ping-restart are triggered

# Run down script before TAP close
# This should make sure no packets are lost on a dead connection

# Allow running external scripts
script-security 2

# Set down/up scripts
down /config/scripts/tap-down
up /config/scripts/tap-up

Create the /config/scripts/tap-down script bringing the TAP device down on connection close.

ip link set $dev down

Create the /config/scripts/tap-up script bringing the TAP device up when the connection is established. You'll notice that this one does more than the one we created on the server. This is because EdgeOS doesn't support adding OpenVPN TAP interfaces to a bond. So as a workaround we're adding the TAP interface to the bond when the connection is established, IF it isn't already.


if ! grep $dev /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/slaves; then
  ip link set $dev down
  echo "+$dev" > /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/slaves

ip link set $dev up
set interfaces openvpn vtun10 config-file /config/vpn-isp1.ovpn
set interfaces openvpn vtun10 description "VPN_ISP1"
set interfaces openvpn vtun11 config-file /config/vpn-isp2.ovpn
set interfaces openvpn vtun11 description "VPN_ISP2"


Now on to a tricky part. By default all VPN connections would go over one WAN interface, which we have to avoid. The trick is using multiple routing tables, and selecting which one to use based on the source IP address of the connection. I've added dummy networks in this example, so make sure to replace them with whatever gateway and netmask your ISPs are using.

set protocols static table 10 description "VPN from ISP1 uplink"
set protocols static table 10 interface-route next-hop-interface eth1
set protocols static table 10 route next-hop

set protocols static table 11 description "VPN from ISP2 uplink"
set protocols static table 11 interface-route next-hop-interface eth2
set protocols static table 11 route next-hop

If you haven't done so already, now would be a good time to commit your changes. And preferably save them too.

Last thing to do is adding the rules for selecting which routing table to use for which traffic.

ip rule add pref 10 from iif lo lookup 10
ip rule add pref 11 from iif lo lookup 11


I would like to mention this question over at StackOverflow. The poster answered his own question, and it was a great help when first setting this up.